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Reiki Practitioner Mentoring | 90 mins

Ready to become a more empathetic, energised and empowered healer? Upskill with tools and guidance

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 220 Australian dollars
  • Worldwide | Online or Distance Session|Hampton, Victoria

Service Description

I understand how daunting it is to start a new business, and feel like you're not 'ready' to realize your full potential as a healer. Over my lifetime, I've spent many hours researching, investigating, experiencing and learning from many Reiki and Yoga Masters, and have gained a wealth of knowledge on how to create more meaningful sessions for your clients  - without the burnout, fatigue, fear or failure. This is a great way to develop your confidence as an advanced healer! For those of you already attuned to Usui Reiki, these sessions allow you become a more confident, empowered healer. During our time together, you will be pushed to enhance your psychic ability, develop greater empathy, practise your new found skills, and learn how to truly ground, protect, and cleanse your own energy body reducing the risk of fatigue, burnout, and illness that many empaths experience. ​ Each session will be personalised to suit your level of ability and experience including guidance around: - Utilising Oracle Cards in session - Boyson and pendulum energy field scanning - Cleanse, ground, and protect your energy (so many techniques!) - Enhanced chakra and subtle energy knowledge - Safely disconnect energetically from your clients - Chord cutting techniques - Inner child work for self and others - Understanding how 'mirroring' and shadow work effects your own path and practise - Clearing karmic debt and release blockages from past lives - Learning about the connection between physical, mental and emotional body - Enhancing your psychic ability and natural talents - Sending healing energy via distance, past or to the future - Gaining confidence as an experienced practitioner - Learning about the energy of Egyptian Sekhem (with the optional extra of having an attunement to this higher, feminine energy!) - Opportunity to run a complete, 1 hour Reiki Session as a practitioner and receive clear, valuable feedback. With so much to cover, we can utilise 2-3 of the above within each session, though the first will require approx. 15 minutes to understand where you are at, what you need, and how to create the perfect learning experience for you. This also allows me to create the perfect written content for you to take home and reflect upon as you progress. Questions? Please reach out via email at or on Whatsapp +61406713018 for more details. *Booking this appointment assumes you have agreed to the booking policy (t's & c's)

Cancellation Policy

Appointments can be rescheduled up to 24 hours before allocated time for a full refund. Outside of this time, it is assumed that a full non-refundable payment be made due to limited availability of appointments, and I appreciate your understanding on this as a small business owner. In this instance, I am happy to offer you a 20% discount on your next session as a commitment to your healing journey. By ticking this box, you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your mental, emotional, and physical health and wellbeing prior to, during, and post session. Sessions can sometimes involve strong emotional, physical and cathartic release. By ticking this box, you understand that as the body is integrating these changes you may have experiences such as more energy, better sleep, clarity, relaxation, better mobility, calmness, and enhanced intuition as your mind, body, and spirit can become more balanced. There may also be the short term experience/s of feeling under the weather, soreness, some dizziness/light headedness, fatigue, and wavering emotions which will pass. Please ensure you contact the appropriate health care professional to seek help if required. All treatments, communication and suggestions from me, do not replace that of a medical professionals, and all 'psychic insights' shared should be interpreted with your own intuition and common sense as I make no claims to read or direct the future. When you tick this box, you are taking full responsibility for you health, the appropriateness of these sessions for you, and any unforeseen circumstances while involved in these sessions. You confirm that you have not, and will not take any drugs or alcohol within 48 hours of this session. You have freely decided to undergo this healing work and by participating in the session/s, you hereby give full consent to the treatment which can include energy healing, muscle testing, psychic work, kinesiology, emotional release, basic yogic movement and so forth, knowing that you are always in full control. This means that at any time you feel the slightest discomfort, you can share this with me, and together, we will navigate through a session that feels best for you. Sessions can be ceased at any time by either party if deemed necessary. Please also allow a gentle integration period after your session by drinking water, seeking rest, and journaling your thoughts to ensure you get the most out of your treatment. Love & light, Monique Elouise

Contact Details

  • Australia


  • Avelin Street, Hampton VIC, Australia


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