- Mindful Journaling-

Journaling can be a therapeutic way of safely expressing emotions, fears, thoughts and feelings. It can help you overcome obstacles. Tackle challenges. Set goals and encourage processes to reach them. Work through trauma. Boost your self-confidence, self-worth, self-love and initiate a new form of self-care. It can encourage you to set intentions. To let go of the 'stories in your head'. To overcome limiting self-beliefs.
It can also be a valuable tool to use for self-reflection by seeing the path you've taken, and how far you've come.
Today, I am offering you the first five pages of my 'I Am Worthy' journaling course for FREE so you can start setting those intentions to kick-start your self healing process. Use it on its own, or in addition to other techniques like meditation, yoga, therapy, pranayama or anything else you might be working with.
It's YOUR journey, YOUR way.
Take your time, be kind, and if you like, share your feedback!
With love and light,
Monique x

Want to get deep with the special people in your life? You'll love this little PDF of 40 intimate questions! Perfect for date nights wit a difference, girls nights in, women's circles or when you just want to start a conversation about... something new.