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- Reiki Practitioner Mentoring -


Usui Reiki Mentoring | $220 per session or a discounted $1200 if committing full term upfront​


Already attuned to Reiki 1 or 2?

For those of you already attuned to Usui Reiki, this six session mentoring option allows you to work at your own time and pace to become a more confident, empowered healer. During our time together, you will be pushed to enhance your psychic ability, develop greater empathy, practise your new found skills, and learn how to truly ground, protect and cleanse your own energy body reducing the risk of fatigue, burnout, and illness that many empaths experience. ​


Having dedicated almost three decades to the art of healing through ritualistic practises such as yoga, incantation, mantra, affirmation, journaling, intention, reiki & other healing energies, qi gong, meditation, psychic awareness, fitness, nutrition, kundalini, breathwork, and manifestation practises; I am ready to whole heartedly share my learnings with the world around me in hopes to spread more light throughout. Through my own professional experience and research, I've gained a wealth of knowledge on how to create more meaningful sessions for clients, and believe this is something powerful that needs to be shared. I've been fortunate enough to have worked with many great healers, mentors, guides and guru's from around the world, and truly believe that the role of a teacher, is to first be an eternal student. We learn best, when we are open to receiving, so if you have been pulled to this page, perhaps now is the time for you to learn too. 



Anahata Reiki & Wellness Design Elements
Anahata Reiki & Wellness Design Elements
Anahata Reiki & Wellness Design Elements
Anahata Reiki & Wellness Design Elements
Monique Elouise Reiki Master Teacher

Learn how to: 

  • Utilise Oracle Cards in session

  • Boyson and pendulum energy scanning

  • Cleanse, ground, and protect your energy

  • Enhanced chakra and subtle energy knowledge 

  • Safely disconnect energetically from your clients

  • Chord cutting techniques 

  • Clear karmic debt and release blockages from past lives

  • Learn about the connection between physical, mental and emotional body

  • Enhance your psychic ability and natural talents

  • Inner child work & past healing techniques

  • Gain confidence as a certified, experienced practitioner

  • Learn about the energy of Egyptian Seichim/Sekhem 

  • And More!


This is a great way to develop your confidence as an advanced healer, while testing your skills, enhancing your intuition, protecting your energy and learning a whole lot of new tips to uplevel your healing ability in a safely held space.  â€‹


Ready to step into your light? Click 'Book Now' below to schedule a time!

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