Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a Japanese form of energy healing founded in the 1920's by Dr. Mikao Usui after spending 21 days meditating on Kuruma Dera, a mystical mountain just outside of Kyoto Japan. It is said that when the initiate goes through the stages of Reiki (Level 1 Awakening, Level 2 Practitioner, 3A Masters & 3B Master Teacher), that their 'Hara' line (similar to the Shashumna Nadi in yogic traditions, which is an energetic portal that aligns the chakra system down the central channel) expands with each attunement (process of receiving the universal energy of reiki to become a channel of this healing energy, and they allow more light and high vibrational frequencies to enter their being, and expand their consciousness. It's kind of like tuning into a radio station you didn't know existed, and then really vibing with everything that it plays bringing you into a new level of happiness, excitement, joy, confidence, inner knowledge and wisdom, courage, and love that you didn't know existed. It's a radical journey of change, and can sometimes bring up uncomfortable challenges to work through which is a key part of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and what is known as 'shadow work', leading you to a place of greater self-love and self-worth.
Ready to learn more? Keep reading below to find out why Reiki is such a beneficial pathway for empaths and highly sensitive people...
"Reiki is the pathway to conscious change at a cellular, spiritual, mental, emotional and even physical level."
Reiki Level One | Challenges & Changes
Reiki Level One, Shoden (in Japanese), is about the 'first teachings' of Reiki to help the students understand how something outside of their current reality, can influence it in what feels like a magical, mystical way, and it involves a LOT of trust. It's a huge concept to get your head around, because you are being asked to extend your thinking beyond the boundaries of the 3D world that you can see and feel; and perceive a reality that extends out to the 5th Dimension that can influence and alter your mental, emotional, and physical reality through intuition, intention, belief, and trust. It's a quantum shift. Because you can start to see the results of the attunement (receiving the initiation to this energy) straight away, you will notice that things in your life will naturally begin to change because you are allowing more light in, and therefore, you are allowing yourself to allow the darkness rise to be seen, acknowledged and released. I believe that Reiki is the true pathway to conscious change and awakening at a cellular, spiritual, mental, emotional, and even quantum level.
Reiki level one is largely about the journey of self-discovery and self-mastery, learning how to love and accept oneself greater, while taking the courageous journey of change to become the most authentic version of themselves. For this reason, it's main focus is about awakening the third eye centre and attuning to higher vibrational frequencies (light and energetic frequencies which expand the hara line), to help initiates 'see' themselves more clearly at a 3D and 5D perspective, and start connecting with source/divine/god/goddess/the creator/spirit guide energies and influences. As you can imagine, all this change and integration can also be quite tiring, so initiates should be integrating with these higher frequencies and internal shifts through consistent daily practise for at least 21 days as taught in my workshops and private 1:1 trainings.
Below, I want to share MORE THAN 10 BENEFITS of learning Reiki as you go through the stages, and how it can truly change your life.
Recent Reiki Level One initiates have experienced change as below:
Awakening of the third eye chakra (associated with Clairvoyance) in order to help them see beyond the 3D, recognised what changes need to be made within their lives, aligning with new tools and techniques that help them make key changes within. This is a pivotal point of awakening for spiritual, healing and manifesting work.
Recognising outdated habits and addictions, and having the courage and insight to let them go for healthier habits to exist.
Greater self-awareness and self-acceptance
Dissolving negative self-talk, beliefs, outdated burdens and heavy emotions.
Aligning the chakra system and being able to do this work daily on themselves.
Detoxifying their diets, and swapping sugars and artificial foods for natural, wholefoods and generally feeling better inside and out.
Developing healthy habits at a mental, emotional and physical level.
Being more aligned with who they are, what they want, and what needs to change.
Recognising pain, shame and guilt that has been held about past situations and events that they can finally lean into and make peace with.
Forgiveness of self and others.
Seeing themselves as more loveable and worthy.
Seeing people within their lives that are helpful, supportive and loving on their journey, and having the confidence to let go of those that are holding them back (friends, sometimes family).
Recognising spirit guides around them, and feeling safely supported by their innate wisdom and guidance.
Above is an introduction to the 'hara' line as mentioned; where it sits within the energy body, and how it interacts with the chakras.
Reiki Level Two| Challenges & Changes
Reiki Level Two, Okuden (in Japanese), is about the 'inner teaching' of Reiki, which reflects things our clients are going through, so we too can see our inner wounding. Having experienced experiential shifts within (after Reiki Level One), you are now being called to step into the power of the Reiki practitioner, to start holding space for others, and helping them heal by channelling this energy through your hands as a one way conduit of change. At this stage, the energy awakens your heart chakra, Anahata, to create a deeper level of empathy, emotional frequencies, and understanding, so you can feel more of what's going on for others, without the need for words, and also start to open up to your own deeply held feelings that may have been shut down through earlier stages of life. This is an awakening of your heartfelt inner wisdom, a connection to your soul path, and another expansion of your Hara line to invite in more light. Some Reiki practitioners can offer a full healing session with barely a word spoken, knowing, and trusting that the Reiki energy has such a high level of divine intelligence, that it will go to exactly where it's needed for their clients highest and greatest good.
Reiki level two then reminds us that while we can now heal others and understand what may be going on for them, that the universe often sends us clients that 'mirror' what we need to heal within ourselves, helping us to keep our egoic nature in check and remain humble in our path as a healer. This game of 'cat and mouse' forces us to constantly 'uplevel' and heal ourselves, so we can continue to be a pure, clear channel of healing for those we choose to work with, and have energetically chosen to work with them. As a rule, I will never work on a client if I am not in a good mental, emotional, or physical state, as I do believe that we can also mirror these negatives back to our clients when we are sitting in these lower vibrational frequencies. This then becomes a time for us to reflect, heal our wounds, and look at the 'shadows' (things we don't like to see, acknowledge or accept about ourselves) we are carrying, so we can lighten our load and move forward to become an even better healer and space holder. There must be a balance of darkness and light, and like yin and yang, they cannot exist without each others reflections. Remember that.
Reiki Level Two also introduces three sacred symbols which amplify the power of Reiki including greater harmony of mental and emotional issues; time and distance healing work (e.g. distance healing, inner child work, manifesting the future); increasing the power of a healing at a mental, emotional and physical level (including speeding up the process of physical healing); and upleveling the way you utilise this energy through continuous work utilising your psychic senses that will now become more active and known. To work on the psychic senses, I also offer group intuition workshops and 1:1 bespoke personal mentoring anywhere in the world, helping to awaken your unique siddhi's (spiritual gifts) and psychic senses.
Recent Reiki Level Two initiates have experienced change as below:
Developing greater empathy for self and others through heart chakra awakening and expansion.
Learning to recognise the 'mirrors' or triggers in others, showing us where we need to work within ourselves/lives next.
Greater understanding and awareness of ones own emotions, and how to more through them instead of holding onto them.
Balancing the power the ego and authentic self to step back and acknowledge that we are just a conduit of change; our clients are the ones doing the work that the healing energy promotes.
Promotes greater confidence of ones skills, abilities, and spiritual strengths as well as aligning them with their spiritual purpose and mission.
Letting go of fears around working with energy, entities, darkness and light.
Gives one the ability to niche into a field of healing that aligns with their spiritual gifts, passions or alternative practises (e.g. trauma informed healing with reiki, yin yoga with reiki, massage with reiki, coaching with reiki, physio work with reiki, nursing with reiki etc.)
Enhances psychic gifts especially clairvoyance and clairsentience.
Helps one detach from others emotions and physical symptoms as an empath or highly sensitive person, enabling them to see that they are apart from them, not a part of them.
Developing more control over their ability to manifest in the physical reality.
Reiki Level Three | Challenges & Changes
Reiki Level Three (A & B), Shinpiden (in Japanese), is about the 'mystery teachings' of Reiki to help the students to graduate to the position of a master which is a humbling journey towards an ego death and rebirth, often shaking up the lives of the initiate so they can release their darkness and step further into the light. At the masters level, one often comes to significant realisations about their spiritual path and ascension (which I don't want to spoil here!), and they understand their gift of 'power' is to be used wisely in order to stay on the humble path of service.
Reiki Masters usually has two parts. Part A is about becoming the master of these mystical teachings and integrating work at a spiritual and physical level, whilst utilising reiki techniques and daily self-practise and creating a lifestyle that becomes very much aligned with harmony, peace, self acceptance, and inner wisdom. It can often be such a powerful shift in consciousness, that one will completely change their lives in terms of work, relationships, diet, exercise, and perhaps even move interstate or overseas to be in a place that feels more aligned with their most authentic path and existence. It's a wild ride. If they haven't already, Reiki masters will see that their true path is one of service to the greater good, and therefore, they must remember that this path is also about continuous work on themselves, allowing time and space to receive healing from source so they can continue to help others shine without burning out. Part B is about becoming the teacher, which is something I only offer privately if I know and feel the student is ready to become the teacher. It is said that for someone to teach, they must understand what Reiki truly is, and be humble enough to appreciate the unique soul gifts that rise without jealousy, and always be ready and willing to be there for all of their past and present students for the rest of their lives, so if you are ready for the responsibility of being a Reiki Master teacher, I urge you to please take your position seriously, and always remember to share with divine love and light, for the highest and greatest good of all living beings.
Recent Reiki Level Three initiates have experienced change as below:
Ego death and rebirth as a master energy healer creating much stronger healings.
Connecting with their spirit team to aid in healings at a 5D level.
Integrating Quantum level techniques that can help alter reality beyond the session.
Realisation that we are one, they are the light, and source energy in physical form.
Awakening unique spiritual gifts such as light language, quantum healing, manifesting, psychic senses, intuitive healing that could involve integration of other therapies, and so much more...
Understanding of different timelines and realities, as well as awareness of other 'beings'.
More confidence in one's own abilities, alongside becoming more humble as a healer and seeing how their sessions can create true and lasting change for the greater good.
More courage to share their soul gifts and be seen and acknowledged as 'spiritual'.
Lastly, here's the overall TOP TEN benefits of learning Reiki:
It reduces stress and promotes relaxation, enabling you to access healing as you need.
It awakens spiritual gifts, upgrades your frequency, and the psychic senses helping you become more intuitive.
It enhances emotional wellbeing and helps control empath tendencies (e.g. taking on other people's energy and emotions) with better boundaries.
It improves mental clarity and focus, allowing you to manifest your goals easier.
It balances energy, emotions, and the chakra system so you feel more aligned.
It provides an inner sense of peace, calm, self-love and self-acceptance.
It helps allow you to forgive others that may be keeping you locked in trauma.
It increases self-awareness, and helps to improve relationships with others.
It encourages personal empowerment and greater self-care techniques.
It offers a holistic approach to wellbeing at a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level, helping you ascend on your path of spiritual awakening with ease and grace.
If you'd like to learn more about Reiki Training and where to start, I offer bespoke private 1:1 training (in person or online with full attunements and printed workbooks given) for all levels, as well as offering small group training throughout the year in Melbourne, Sunshine Coast and hopefully New Zealand very soon!
Love & light,
Monique Elouise xx
Need some more information about Reiki training? Check out my services pages and book in your Initial Consultation or Clarity Call from anywhere in the world.
Are you journeying with me on Instagram? @anahata_reiki_and_wellness