Some amazing changes have happened since I've shut down and reopened my Anahata Reiki studio in Hampton, including taking on a beautifully presented range of nature based, cruelty free, vegan friendly, Ayurvedic skin care range derived from essential oils and having some time to renew my energy by way of spending time reconnecting to my source energy in New Zealand (where I was born). It's been an amazing journey, and have spent a lot of time getting back to my true hippy roots (and meeting some amazing aligned souls!) with hot yoga, ecstatic dance, numerology, tarot, self-healing/cleansing, instigating a daily yoga practice, regular massage/self-care, clairvoyance and life coaching (I would recommend this lady!), getting back to my daily reiki self-practice, and lots of hiking in the beauty of nature.
As a light worker, all of these things are important to me personally and professionally, as I very much like to live the lifestyle that I promote. So right now, I'm also in the process of overhauling my diet while I get deeper into my nutrition studies - can you believe that sometimes eating more can actually help you lose weight? If you're like me, that's always been one of those thing I've been too afraid to try!
Whew! That was a lot, and apologies if I'm over-sharing - I'm just excited to be back 😊
Some of the changes I want to bring forward to 2021 in my professional space are as below:
💛As reiki customers, I would like to offer you 20% off the entire range of my neoVeda skin care products and essential oils (excluding packages) with the code Anahata20 at the checkout at or in person pre/post session (save on shipping!).
💛I've updated my website at with a few new services, and everything is live and ready to book your session direct - but we can still talk (always!), and very much arrange bookings via Instagram and email ( as always. For those who are interested in trying Yoga with me, I would highly recommend the 'Flow & Glow' so you can feel the subtle shifts of a slow paced hatha class to settle your mind and body, before indulging in a blissful 1 hour reiki session.
💛The studio is open Monday - Friday with special allowances for those who contact me directly outside of this. I aim to help and heal as many people as possible, especially in this current environment that seems to breed anxiety; so please reach out if you have any questions or are unsure about whether this is right for you.
💛I am constantly learning and evolving, and just like you, I also 'do the work' to make sure my energy is pure, clean and ready to help you on your path - New Zealand has been a great chance to renew and restore, and can't emphasize the over-riding lesson that I learnt there - take time to slow down and see what's really important in life.💛
Lastly, with covid restrictions in place, I want to remind you:
✨ Please don't come to the studio if you are feeling unwell; we can rebook once you're on the clear or do a distance session.
✨ I have hand sanitizer & face masks available, and am happy to wear one too if this is your preference. Please remove your shoes at the entrance of the studio, as not to bring in any 'low laying negative energy' - trust me, it's a thing.
✨ I have blankets available for your comfort (who doesn't love being tucked in with a heavy blanket?), but if you prefer, you can also bring your own.
✨I'm also instigating a quick 'sage cleanse' of your energy before you enter the studio to get rid of any lingering, unwanted energy before we start doing the 'work'. Please let me know if you're uncomfortable with this 💛.
✨ I'll also be utilising some essential oils during session in an oil purifier, and guess what - YOU get to chose which one we diffuse! If you would prefer not to do this, that's ok too.
As always, I'll give you a run down post session with things that I found (blockages, messages etc.) and can send you an email later so your post-reiki-brain has a chance to just enjoy the moment, and you can digest it as you feel. If you don't want this, then please let me know, and feel free to only take on the information that is relevant to you; I don't ever write this from a place of judgement, only one of insight that comes from my heart in order to help guide you towards what is best for yours.
Until we next meet, enjoy life, and don't forget to take time out of your schedule to slow down - if you're not looking after yourself, you can't care for others either.
Until my next blog,
Love & light,
Monique Elouise
Follow me on Instagram for updates and wellness tips @anahata_reiki_and_wellness
Follow me on Facebook for links and tips on the wellness journey @anahatareikiandwellness
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